It’s half way through July already, and we’ve been so busy.
We haven’t been at practice much in the last month or so, because we’ve been busy out dancing, either with other Morris sides, or at various events.
In April we danced at Pitstone Museum

New Moon Morris ‘brought the May in’ with the help of Whitchurch Morris on May Eve in Ivinghoe.

As usual we danced the Sun Up on May Morning – although the fog made it a little difficult to see the sun.

We’ve danced in a pub – the Library Bar, in Aylesbury – and in a church – to help raise money for its upkeep.

We’ve danced at a couple of Folk Festivals – Chippenham and Oxford, and we’ve done a couple of Days of Dance – Wicket Brood’s Tring Day of Dance, and one in St Albans – as well as doing the St Michael’s Folk Evening there a few weeks later.

Of course, we’ve been to lots of the local pubs, and danced with several local Morris sides.

In addition we’ve been into a Primary School to teach about Traditional Folk Dance in England, and we performed at a wedding – where we had most of the guests up and dancing with us.