We were pleased to be mentioned in this article in the online Metro

From Tim about his recent wedding celebration:

A huge huge huge thank you to you and all of the dancers for Saturday. We could not have asked for anything more. You were all friendly, approachable, fun, happy, down to earth people. Our guests absolutely loved the dancing and couldn’t stop talking about you guys. The Maypole was such fun, what a great idea to bring it! I think you made our wedding 🙂 We couldn’t stop smiling seeing all our friends and family participate in the Maypole and the stick and hanky dances. Thank you for teaching the moves and being patient around drunk, but very enthusiastic people! The videos that I have seen are hilarious. And we loved how some of your dancers stayed and partied with us on the dancefloor into the night. We cannot thank you enough. I hope you got the drink tokens and the sandwiches. Hopefully you might have some new recruits to your group!

About a recent visit to a local primary school:

Thank you so much for today, you were all amazing and the assembly and workshops were great! The children learnt so much (and the adults), and definitely had fun. Hopefully we will have some aspiring Morris dancers as a result!
It is visits from artists, dancers and musicians like yourselves, that really bring the arts alive for our children, so thank you!

And we were mentioned in Comment, the Magazine of the Churches in Tring (March 2024):